Friday, November 25, 2011

You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you.

1. Even though hearing vain people talk about how pretty or successful they are can get irritating, it's also not good for that person either. Vanity makes people think they are invincible, and that there's nothing that can stop them from getting what they want. These people also usually think they can work as little as possible while they try to attain their goal, because they "already know" they'll be successful. By doing this, they're setting themselves up for failing one day, because they tried to breeze through and rely on their good luck to get what they want. It doesn't happen right away, but it almost always does in the end. Also, the people that think they're super hot...they too will be old someday (cool related image).

2. Vanity is not a cute quality. I can't walk into the bathroom without meeting a group of girls crowding around the mirror. It's almost impossible to catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror to make sure you don't have something on your face, or that your hair isn't sticking straight up. They look at you like "why are you even bothering?" and then continue to apply bronzer (you're already orange), lipstick (not natural looking in any way) and curl their hair (it's true). Even after they look what a normal person would classify as above average, they keep staring at themselves in the mirror, fixing a single curl so that it sits right. 

3. Narcissus, a hunter from Greek mythology, is the epitome of vanity. He though-t himself to be so good looking that he disparaged those that loved him the most, and thought he ranked much higher than them due to his good looks. His arrogance was not rewarding in the end, however; it is said that he was attracted to a pool by Nemesis, where he saw his reflection and fell in love with it, not realizing it his own reflection. He refused to leave, and eventually ended up dying there. This teaches us that when we're so obsessed with ourselves, it can be fatal. 

4. My hair is so soft. I could just run my fingers through it all never catches on any clumps because my hair is silky and perfect. Each individual hair kisses my fingers and then glides away. My hair falls perfectly across my forehead (unlike some girls at school, thank God) and didn't get in my eyes, the eyes that were made up perfectly this morning. My make up really helped them stand out against my complexion. Lovely! "Can you move? I need to look in the mirror too." A voice behind me said. Ugh, some people are so vain. I thought as I moved away (*this is made up, I swear).

5. Vanity is often confused with confidence, but there is a fine line separating the two. When a person is described as being vain, it's never done so with admiration, with a longing to be like that person. Confidence is when a person has high self esteem, and they are conscious of the things they're capable of. Confident people often have an air of self assurance, but its not done so in a flaunting manner. The term vanity has a negative connotation, and it basically means to have "an inflated pride in oneself or one's appearance" (cite!). There is a very thin line between confidence and vanity, but it is definitely there. 

6. Why are people vain? In my opinion, it's because they're insecure. When a person is insecure, they not only need others to compliment them, but they need to tell themselves that they're pretty or they're successful to feel like they're good enough. It makes sense: why else would an obviously attractive or smart person need to think of the obvious? There are many people who know they're beautiful or clever, but they don't feel the need to constantly reflect upon it every minute of every day.


  1. 1. process analysis
    2. example
    3. narrative
    4. description
    5. compare/ contrast
    6. cause and effect

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I will forewarn that I find these very difficult in general, so I may be completely inaccurate but that does not reflect your ability to write them.
    Also you are a great writer, I always love reading your blog.
    1. Process Analysis
    2. Argument/Persuasion
    3. Example
    4. Narration (I love this one so incredibly much)
    5. Compare/Contrast
    6. Cause/Effect

  4. Here are my guesses...
    1. Process Analysis
    2. Narration
    3. Example
    4. Description
    5. Comparison/Contrast
    6. Cause and Effect

  5. 1. Process Analysis
    3. Example
    4. Description
    5. Compare/Contrast
    6. Cause and effect
